Big Ticket Depot is almost ready to launch and it is going to be huge.
This will be a great chance to make some money, either selling your
unwanted items or selling other peoples stuff, or even both.
Here is the latest news item I have received from Joel Sauceda, the
founder and CEO of big ticket depot. I am posting the whole message
so that you can see for yourself how exciting this is.
See my earlier postings for more.
To go straight to my webpage
click here
Listen to the radio interview and learn how the programme works.
Good Afternoon,
I have MUCH to share with everyone and everything is good news for everyone on this team.
First, I want everyone to know that we are stepping into bigger shoes than we imagined. This project is not a simple "Ditsy Doo" project. We are taking longer to launch Phase 1 because we wanted to make this even BIGGER from the start for you. You are going to get SO much more than you thought and it is NOT going to cost you another dime. All you need to do is maintain your monthly maintenance and you will get everything we are about to give you. We are making this a NO BRAINER for people all over the internet and remember....We are GIVING THIS TEAM EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER that comes our way and they WILL come. We are giving 50% of ALL listing fee's and OTHER charges that people are going to GLADLY pay to THIS team. You stand to benefit from us making this program MULTI-DIMENSIONAL from the start. I made the decision to make this bigger for you and so if ANYONE is frustrated with the amount of time it is taking, you can blame me. When you see that we are doing even MORE for you, that blame will convert to thanks because our intention and motivation is for you. We WILL make this a HOUSEHOLD name site like Facebook, Ebay, YouTube..We KNOW it can be done and we have the TEAM to make it happen. Not to mention the hundreds of new people that are joining Vortex EVERYDAY and those people will soon be NOTIFIED that they are part of this also! This is all coming together and I WISH I could sit down with each of you and express my enthusiasm and vision but time requires me to focus right now and work side by side with the programmers to ensure this is done as CLOSE to perfect as possible. When "KINKS" arise we know you all will be there to let us know (there will be kinks!).
**We Are ALREADY Turning Heads And This Has Not Even
This is something that is turning heads and is something that I am SURE is going to take hold and grow fast. This is taking longer to complete than we thought but then again, what we are going to give you as a 300 Elite Team member is going to be MORE than we originally said you would get by being on this team. I will go over some of that in this communication but for the sake of time, I will be breaking this news into several emails so when we launch PHASE 1 of the launch, you will know EXACTLY what to do and we can ALL do what is needed in unison. That is what will make this program explode on the scene and we will have hundreds of thousands of people jumping on board with what we are about to do...You will see!
***Establishing A Face Book GROUP and A TWITTER Communication As Well***
Some of you may not be familiar with Face Book or Twitter and that is fine but for you who are, we will be setting up an OFFICIAL Facebook Group and TWITTER group that will unite the 300 Elite Team and give us yet ANOTHER way to communicate with you real time.
***Voucher Listing CODES!***
WHEN we activate the client side, I have some EXCITING news for everyone who is:
A: On the 300 Elite Team
B: Current on their $39 monthly maintenance
Oh before I go further, here is some GREAT news..
ANYONE who joins you as an affiliate for the $99 and
$39 monthly between now and the LAST day of March will be elgible for the following as well...
Here it is...
As you know, people will PAY for listings in the future because that is what they do NOW with EBAY and EVEN Craigs List in some cases now (Craigs List is CHARGING in some places now!). People are OK with paying for listings so long as their items get exposure.
Well here is some GREAT news for EVERYONE who falls in the above categories...
WHEN we unveil the client side of BOTH programs (BIGTICKETDEPOT and the TOP SECRET DEPOT (you will know it soon!)) each person who has enrolled between now and the end of February will have....
100... YES! ONE HUNDRED...
Let me REPEAT... ONE HUNDRED LISTING VOUCHERS deposited in their affiliate account!
What does this mean?
Let me put this in perspective.....
Does EBAY let you list for free? And..Does Ebay let you keep 100% of what you get when you sell something? NO.
There is ALWAYS a way they are going to get SOME money from you for using them...
What if EBAY gave you 100 FREE 30 day listings and you could use them in ANY way you wanted to use them? AND you could keep 100% of whatever you got from a sale from them? WOULD not happen...Period.
We know...
We know that it is going to take EVERYONE having the TOOLS and the AMMO to make this go FAST. It is going to take having Listing Vouchers to GIVE to people so they can SEE that your real before the spend money.
The great news is we are GIVING ALL 300 Elite Team members and ANYONE who joins between now and the END of March (100) listing Voucher Codes to USE, Give Away or even SELL! Whatever you want to do with them!
The other part of this is the fact that we WILL be communicating with the ENTIRE Vortex team (over
400,000) and giving them ONE last chance to enter with this benefit. This will benefit MANY of you and will create even MORE commissions for you!
More good news..
As a 300 Elite Team member (IN GOOD STANDING), you will CONTINUE to get 25 LISTING VOUCHERS EACH MONTH! These listing vouchers can be used to attract EBAY, Craigslist or ANY auction site customer YOUR way!
Remember, ONCE they try us they are going to want to JOIN us! With 25 Listing Vouchers each month (and they CAN accumulate!) you will have what it takes to find NEW clients and NEW affiliates!
It is PURE GENIUS and it is going to work...BOTTOM LINE..
First, keep your $39 monthly current. If your $39 monthly has recently lapsed. We will be sending you a seperate communication in the next 24 hours with details to bring this current.
Second Request..
We MUST know how to use what we are going to market...
I KNOW everyone has SOMETHING or MANY THINGS in their home that they can sell or want to get rid of..
For the sake of the websites we unveil populating with items FAST, I want EVERYONE on this team to use at LEAST 10 of the 100 Listing Vouchers we GIVE you to list 10 or MORE items you want to sell so we can populate the HUNDREDS of categories FAST. This is a WIN/WIN...First off, you are going to have the chance to turn something you do not want into MONEY and second, we will be POPULATING these websites with THOUSANDS of items within a few days!
What you will need?
You will need to be able to snap pictures (up to 6 per
listing!) of the things you want to sell via (TOP SECRET DEPOT-will unveil soon! and or BIG TICKET DEPOT). Have them ready and if you do not know how to snap digital pictures and put them on your computer, it would be a great idea to find someone you know that can show you. This is going to be such a GOLDEN opportunity for you that you need to learn how to do that. Remember, we have MILLIONS of people to attract here and think of the MILLIONS of CURRENT ebay sellers who are going to take you up on a FREE Listing Voucher you will GIVE them! Now imagine how excited they will be when they see that they can actually make MONEY referrring people to our listing engines! It is such a NO brainer and so exciting that I do not sleep when I think about what we are ALL on to in the NEAR future.
This was a long communication and I do NOT apologize for that. We have MUCH to cover and you joined something BIGGER than you know. We are working to get this right and with EVERYTHING we have running already you will soon see a way to make this work for you.
This week I will give you some SCREEN shots of what is ready to go and we will begin to give you some instructions on how to use your (100) listing vouchers that will be deposited in your accounts when we open the client side.
I am steadfast in my belief that this project will be big and each of you are going to have a chance to gain your market share since we are giving you the status and the tools to do so.
More announcements this week. We are CLOSE, VERY CLOSE!
Joel Sauceda
Go now and join in this great new home business. Listen to the
radio interview to learn how it will all work.