Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Big Value Depot Affiliate Programme

New web sites are now opening.

Ebooks are a great way to buy a book. Cheaper and easily downloaded
and no postage to pay or waitng for delivery.

Buy, sell on this auction site. Become a member for FREE.
Low listing fees. Join here and list your first five items FREE.

You can even open your own store and sell anything you want.
If you are a power seller on Ebay then take a look at owning a store at BigValueDepot.
You will be surprised at how affordable owning a store can be.

If you are looking to sell your own items to raise money go to my auction site.
If you are looking for a work from home business go to my auction site.
If you are looking for a new way to buy items then go to my auction site.

Take a look here and learn how you can make money easily. List 5 items FREE.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Value Depot Affiliate Programme

The new stores are now active.

Busy adding items for sale on mine. Take a look here

A great place to sell your unwanted items. Get your first five listings FREE

You can buy, sell and turn your account into a home based business for a very low
cost. An alternative to Ebay with lower fees.

Make money by becoming an affiliate.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Press release

Cutting Edge Affiliate Marketing Program Caters to Millions of Online Shoppers & Marketers

Limited To 10,000 "Platinum Founders"Reseller Licenses

Founders Of Big Ticket Depot & Big Value Depot, Joel Sauceda (CEO) and Brad Harris (VP) along with The 300 Elite Team
member, Edna Sayer, announce the launch of the highest commission pay out program for an online Auction & Listing service in history.

Click here to see the full article.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Move Over Ebay

Move over Ebay...its time to start sharing $$$ with the people! BTD/BVD will do this! Think of the MILLIONS of people out there who would like an alternative that PAYS them to list and refer people?
Big Value Depot is the new alternative to Ebay and much cheaper to sell and buy. No messing about with fees left right and centre.

List your for sale items FREE using this link.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Make Money with auctions

Here is one way to make money online. Use this new auction site to sell anything you no longer want, or to buy something you do want. Like ebay or any other site, and it is free to sign up.
But if you want it to make you some money, tell everbody you know that the auction site is there, encourage them to become a member and you will earn from what they sell. Simple really.
However, the membership is predominently american at the moment. This will be global but it needs people in other countries to start using it and telling their own citizens so that is more use to you in your country. It´s a word of mouth thing, the more you talk about it and use it the more it will grow.
Even if it is not a good money maker for you it is an alternative way to buy and sell items. Take a look and if you want to raise some money and have something to sell then your first listing is free using this link.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Big Ticket Depot Going Live

The Big Ticket Depot is now open.
Sell your big ticket items,for less.
Your,house, car, motor home, holiday home
anything you want.

Check it out here and register for free.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Online auction site

Do you want to sell goods on online auctions but find ebay´s fees prohibative?
This new International online site is much cheaper and they don´t have final

valutaion fees.

Joining is free and you can list your first item for free.

Check it out here


By the way, you can bid for items and buy stuff too.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

FREE LISTING for new members

The new Big Ticket auction site is now open.

Listing your first item is FREE if you become a FREE member through
an existing member.

Take a look at the auction site by clicking here or read on for more exciting news first.

Membership of the Big Ticket Depot auction site is FREE.
Listing fees are simple and straightforward.
There is NO final valuation fee to pay.
Sell anything you want, your car, RV, house, motorbike or anything else that
you have for sale.
An item up to ONE MILLION DOLLARS is only a $10 fee, or FREE if you join
with my link Here

This auction site is available to anybody worldwide. Be the first to spread the word in your country.
Tell all your friends you have found an alternative auction site that they
can use wherever they live. Using paypal for your payments it makes no
difference at all what currency your country uses.

If you are a power seller or want to set up a new business using an auction
site but have been put off by the high and complex set of fees on other
auction sites then give big ticket depot store a try. You won´t regret it.

When you visit the auction site you will see in the top right hand corner a
flashing banner with BVD affiliate programme.
Click on that link to find out more about how you can sell your items and
earn money from spreading the word about this brand new, easy way to buy and sell.

Affiliates can list their items for sale for FREE, and earn commissions on the
items that are sold through people they have introduced.

Start listing your items right now, it´s so easy a 5th grader can do it.
Click here to go to the auction site.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Auction Site is Live

Big Ticket Depot has now activated it´s auction site.

You can register for free just like on ebay.
You can buy or sell items for a fee that is much less than the "other" auction site.

This auction site will grow and grow, take a look and register here
then tell all your friends that you have found a new way to sell your
surplus itemsor buy items at a great price.

This new auction site is gaining a lot of interest and is an alternative to buy and
sell anything at all that will save or make you extra money in these hard times.
Remember it is FREE to join and buy.

If you want to earn an income by way of commissions and advertising this
new auction site then you can become a member of Big Ticket Depot.
Read my previous posts on this home business opportunity or go straight
to the Big Ticket Depot site and listen to the radio interview which will tell you all you need to know.
Then youcan sign up on the same page to start making money from home.
This is a great new way to start a home business take a look here

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big Ticket Depot Going Live

This exciting new home business is about to go live. Over the last few weeks members have been testing the system and the results are fantastic. Here is an extract of the latest report from the big ticket depot CEO.
If you want to go straight to the website and see what it is all about click here

Watch the video and listen to the radio interview.

Good Afternoon Team,

Words cannot tell you how exciting this week has been. We are now approaching 600 items listed at the BigValue Depot store. So much thanks goes out to all the testers who helped to make that happen. Through their eyes we were able to find any little glitches which we were not able to see while doing our own tests on the system.

What has also been extremely exciting is not just seeing the new listings go up, but to see the variety of types of listings the store is being populated with. What was even better than that, was seeing how extremely simple the listing system was for the testers to create absolutely fantastic listings. As I know from the testimonials we have received, the testers were not seasoned ebay powersellers. In fact for many this was the first time they had ever listed anything for sale online. You can read some of the testimonials we have received at the bottom of this communication. Seeing is believing and we have seen it.

What that tells us is this. Promoting BVD and very soon BTD is going to be easier than we could have imagined to both seasoned and non seasoned online sellers. Why?? We made it so simple a kindergarden student could do it.

Wait till you see what we have in store for you. We are creating a no-brainer push button system by which you will be able to attract and refer new clients to register through you and list at BVD and very soon BTD. What is even more exciting is how simple we are making the system by which you will be able to convert some of those listing clients into affiliates. We are giving you the best of both worlds. You will have some clients who just want to remain as paying listing clients (Earning you commissions) and some who will jump at the opportunity to become affiliates (Earning you commissions).

**We are SO Close**

We are so close to turning everyone on for activation we can taste it. Right now we are making any adjustments and fixes to the listing system from the feedback we received from our testers. Again, thank you testers for being the eyes of everyone who will soon be listing at BVD and very soon at BTD.

We will be loading all the client training tutorials which the testers have been using into the training section of your BTD affiliate back office later today or early tomorrow. When you see that happen it will be an indication of just how close we are to giving everyone activation instruction.

So get ready to put your seatbelt on for what will be the most exciting ride of your life.

Click here to join and start earning money or selling your items.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Big Ticket Depot Work from Home Opportunity

Big Ticket Depot is almost ready to launch and it is going to be huge.
This will be a great chance to make some money, either selling your
unwanted items or selling other peoples stuff, or even both.

Here is the latest news item I have received from Joel Sauceda, the
founder and CEO of big ticket depot. I am posting the whole message
so that you can see for yourself how exciting this is.
See my earlier postings for more.

To go straight to my webpage click here

Listen to the radio interview and learn how the programme works.

Good Afternoon,

I have MUCH to share with everyone and everything is good news for everyone on this team.

First, I want everyone to know that we are stepping into bigger shoes than we imagined. This project is not a simple "Ditsy Doo" project. We are taking longer to launch Phase 1 because we wanted to make this even BIGGER from the start for you. You are going to get SO much more than you thought and it is NOT going to cost you another dime. All you need to do is maintain your monthly maintenance and you will get everything we are about to give you. We are making this a NO BRAINER for people all over the internet and remember....We are GIVING THIS TEAM EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER that comes our way and they WILL come. We are giving 50% of ALL listing fee's and OTHER charges that people are going to GLADLY pay to THIS team. You stand to benefit from us making this program MULTI-DIMENSIONAL from the start. I made the decision to make this bigger for you and so if ANYONE is frustrated with the amount of time it is taking, you can blame me. When you see that we are doing even MORE for you, that blame will convert to thanks because our intention and motivation is for you. We WILL make this a HOUSEHOLD name site like Facebook, Ebay, YouTube..We KNOW it can be done and we have the TEAM to make it happen. Not to mention the hundreds of new people that are joining Vortex EVERYDAY and those people will soon be NOTIFIED that they are part of this also! This is all coming together and I WISH I could sit down with each of you and express my enthusiasm and vision but time requires me to focus right now and work side by side with the programmers to ensure this is done as CLOSE to perfect as possible. When "KINKS" arise we know you all will be there to let us know (there will be kinks!).

**We Are ALREADY Turning Heads And This Has Not Even

This is something that is turning heads and is something that I am SURE is going to take hold and grow fast. This is taking longer to complete than we thought but then again, what we are going to give you as a 300 Elite Team member is going to be MORE than we originally said you would get by being on this team. I will go over some of that in this communication but for the sake of time, I will be breaking this news into several emails so when we launch PHASE 1 of the launch, you will know EXACTLY what to do and we can ALL do what is needed in unison. That is what will make this program explode on the scene and we will have hundreds of thousands of people jumping on board with what we are about to do...You will see!

***Establishing A Face Book GROUP and A TWITTER Communication As Well***

Some of you may not be familiar with Face Book or Twitter and that is fine but for you who are, we will be setting up an OFFICIAL Facebook Group and TWITTER group that will unite the 300 Elite Team and give us yet ANOTHER way to communicate with you real time.

***Voucher Listing CODES!***

WHEN we activate the client side, I have some EXCITING news for everyone who is:

A: On the 300 Elite Team

B: Current on their $39 monthly maintenance

Oh before I go further, here is some GREAT news..

ANYONE who joins you as an affiliate for the $99 and
$39 monthly between now and the LAST day of March will be elgible for the following as well...

Here it is...

As you know, people will PAY for listings in the future because that is what they do NOW with EBAY and EVEN Craigs List in some cases now (Craigs List is CHARGING in some places now!). People are OK with paying for listings so long as their items get exposure.

Well here is some GREAT news for EVERYONE who falls in the above categories...

WHEN we unveil the client side of BOTH programs (BIGTICKETDEPOT and the TOP SECRET DEPOT (you will know it soon!)) each person who has enrolled between now and the end of February will have....

100... YES! ONE HUNDRED...

Let me REPEAT... ONE HUNDRED LISTING VOUCHERS deposited in their affiliate account!

What does this mean?

Let me put this in perspective.....

Does EBAY let you list for free? And..Does Ebay let you keep 100% of what you get when you sell something? NO.
There is ALWAYS a way they are going to get SOME money from you for using them...

What if EBAY gave you 100 FREE 30 day listings and you could use them in ANY way you wanted to use them? AND you could keep 100% of whatever you got from a sale from them? WOULD not happen...Period.

We know...

We know that it is going to take EVERYONE having the TOOLS and the AMMO to make this go FAST. It is going to take having Listing Vouchers to GIVE to people so they can SEE that your real before the spend money.
The great news is we are GIVING ALL 300 Elite Team members and ANYONE who joins between now and the END of March (100) listing Voucher Codes to USE, Give Away or even SELL! Whatever you want to do with them!

The other part of this is the fact that we WILL be communicating with the ENTIRE Vortex team (over
400,000) and giving them ONE last chance to enter with this benefit. This will benefit MANY of you and will create even MORE commissions for you!

More good news..

As a 300 Elite Team member (IN GOOD STANDING), you will CONTINUE to get 25 LISTING VOUCHERS EACH MONTH! These listing vouchers can be used to attract EBAY, Craigslist or ANY auction site customer YOUR way!
Remember, ONCE they try us they are going to want to JOIN us! With 25 Listing Vouchers each month (and they CAN accumulate!) you will have what it takes to find NEW clients and NEW affiliates!

It is PURE GENIUS and it is going to work...BOTTOM LINE..


First, keep your $39 monthly current. If your $39 monthly has recently lapsed. We will be sending you a seperate communication in the next 24 hours with details to bring this current.

Second Request..

We MUST know how to use what we are going to market...

I KNOW everyone has SOMETHING or MANY THINGS in their home that they can sell or want to get rid of..

For the sake of the websites we unveil populating with items FAST, I want EVERYONE on this team to use at LEAST 10 of the 100 Listing Vouchers we GIVE you to list 10 or MORE items you want to sell so we can populate the HUNDREDS of categories FAST. This is a WIN/WIN...First off, you are going to have the chance to turn something you do not want into MONEY and second, we will be POPULATING these websites with THOUSANDS of items within a few days!

What you will need?

You will need to be able to snap pictures (up to 6 per
listing!) of the things you want to sell via (TOP SECRET DEPOT-will unveil soon! and or BIG TICKET DEPOT). Have them ready and if you do not know how to snap digital pictures and put them on your computer, it would be a great idea to find someone you know that can show you. This is going to be such a GOLDEN opportunity for you that you need to learn how to do that. Remember, we have MILLIONS of people to attract here and think of the MILLIONS of CURRENT ebay sellers who are going to take you up on a FREE Listing Voucher you will GIVE them! Now imagine how excited they will be when they see that they can actually make MONEY referrring people to our listing engines! It is such a NO brainer and so exciting that I do not sleep when I think about what we are ALL on to in the NEAR future.

This was a long communication and I do NOT apologize for that. We have MUCH to cover and you joined something BIGGER than you know. We are working to get this right and with EVERYTHING we have running already you will soon see a way to make this work for you.

This week I will give you some SCREEN shots of what is ready to go and we will begin to give you some instructions on how to use your (100) listing vouchers that will be deposited in your accounts when we open the client side.

I am steadfast in my belief that this project will be big and each of you are going to have a chance to gain your market share since we are giving you the status and the tools to do so.

More announcements this week. We are CLOSE, VERY CLOSE!


Joel Sauceda

Go now and join in this great new home business. Listen to the
radio interview to learn how it will all work.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Big Ticket Depot Work from Home Opportunity

Next week will see the opening of the client side of this exciting new business opportunity. If you are still thinking of joining and starting your own business
then time is running short to be at the top of the earnings potential tree.

By starting your business as one of my team you will earn 75% commissions on
the people you bring in plus commissions on their membership. You only need
to bring three people into the business
to get free lifetime membership.

When the client side starts trading things are really going to get going.
Imagine earning 20% commission selling a yacht worth $2 million. It is not
fantasy, it is possible. You sell an item for your client and you can pocket
up to 20% of it´s selling price.

Big Ticket Depot is a new Home Business opportunity allowing you to Make Money Online selling Big Ticket Items. Work from Home and become a Big Ticket Depot Broker Online and make money selling RICH peoples articles.
Listen to the radio interview there is so much information there.

Life is too short to make money the HARD way and never enjoy it. Lets work smart, have fun, learn, laugh, and be an inspiration to others..


It´s as easy as 1-2-3

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Really! You CAN advertise to millions of people & it CAN be affordable and it CAN be effective. By choosing our program, Ads2eBay, you WILL be opening new doors and you WILL be experiencing new and exciting methods of marketing your product or service to the masses. You WILL see a substantial increase in the amount of traffic you receive to your website. You WILL know that the people that are viewing your offers are already members of PayPal® and eBay® and they are ready to buy!

Ads2eBay sends to 50 Million Double Opt-Ins daily PLUS:

* Google Groups
* Yahoo Groups
* MySpace Groups
* & Much Much More!!

Click here to see how you can advertise to 50 million people a day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why become a big ticket depot affiliate?

As a big ticket depot affiliate you can earn weekly and monthly
commissions through our affiliate referral programme as well
as well as our multi-tiered client listing programme.

Earn $75 for each person who becomes a big ticket affiliate
through you. Earn money on three different levels.

There is a great backup team working for you, bringing in
clients, advertising on your behalf and providing all the
information you need to run a sucessful business.
A great back office full of recourses and information.

It´s a new business with a new way of selling and you can
earn a good monthly income by being part of it.

If you want to sell items, either big ticket items, or
smaller items, then you may have to wait a little while
until the client side launches which will be any day now.

However you can join as an affiliate and earn as well as sell.

Click this link to see more information

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Big Ticket Depot - Elite Team

A Make Money Working From Home Opportunity

Join me in the Elite 300 team where the advantage is... only a few
days to the end of the month to act... if you want a slice of the
wealth which is to be generated.
A front seat will give you added benefits and income.
Do your due dilligence and find out for yourself. No arm bending; no
rants or rave.... now is your chance to prosper....

Just click on the pages to see how it works...then click on the
button to listen to the radio interview on sunny radio and learn
all the latest news and how you can earn money helping others.

Click here to see how you can start a home based business for
less than the cost of taking the family out to dinner.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Ticket Depot Affiliate Programme

Looking for TEN people who would like to start a new business for
a low start up cost to join my personal team.
Big Ticket Depot is now setting up a new auction site for people
who do not have Big Ticket Items to sell. Another way for people
to sell their items and make some extra money.

Now you could earn more money helping these sellers and even
sell your own items and earn commission on them.
Lets face it, if you have an ebay shop, how much does it cost
in fees to sell your items on ebay? With big ticket depot you
can be a buyer and a seller PLUS you would be making money
on both sides. It couldn´t be better.

Become part of my team today and you can start making money
straight away. Click the link below, listen to the radio
interview and learn more about how this opportunity will
work for you. An online business for the price of a family meal out.

BigTicket Depot Affiliate Program

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Auction Site

Todays announcement from Big Ticket Depot:

We just obtained the LICENSING and OWNERSHIP of a CUSTOM item AUCTION online
system which will be ADDED to BIG TICKET DEPOT!
In other words, BIG TICKET item sellers will now have the
OPTION of entering that item into an AUCTION environment online
and for those people who have SMALL ticket items, they will be
able to purchase an ANNUAL auction listing subscription.

Think of ALL the people who list on EBAY, AMAZON etc.
We will have a price that they will realize is VERY
reasonable and we will not NICKEL & DIME them with "fees" etc.

This is great news, another way to earn commissions and good for people
who are fed up with selling on ebay with all their rules and fees.
Become one of my team and enjoy a new way of earning money with
an online business that could really improve your income.


Big Ticket Depot - Elite Team

Join me in the Elite 300 team where the advantage is... only a few
days to the end of the month to act... if you want a slice of the
wealth which is
to be generated. A front seat will give you added benefits and income.
Do your due dilligence and find out for yourself. No arm bending; no
rants or rave.... now is your chance to prosper....


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

**Seeking 10 Team Members**

Recently launched Company is taking the Internet by Storm.

I have been fortunate to be one of the 300 Elite team
founding members of BigTicket Depot which has become
one of the fastest growing Affiliate programs for
2009. I am seeking 10 Team members to help build a
proserous online business.

***This is NOT MLM***

-Multiple ways to earn Income
-Company Issued Mastercard PayCard

-Payments by Paypal if desired
-Complete Company Support
-Small start up fee

=====START TODAY=====

Go to the link below. View the Video on the right hand
side of the page, then simply click the Join Now
button to activate your BigTicket Depot business.

Start your new business straight away for low startup cost

click here

Edna Sayer

BigTicket Depot
300 Elite Founder Team

Friday, January 16, 2009

Newly Launched

***Just Launched***

===BigTicket Depot===

**Be the First BigTicket Depot affiliate in your

$$$$$-2 WAYS TO EARN-$$$$$$

1.) Start Earning Commissions helping people sell
their BigTicket Items!!! It is as simple as that. 50%
Direct Commission Paid-PLUS Multi-Tiered Bonus

2.) Start Earning Commissions for signing up
additional BigTicket Depot Affiliate Reps!!! Up to 75%
Referall Bonus Paid!!


Earn additional income from your Referal Reps who sign
up BigTicket Clients!!!

-Low Activation Fee will get you started with a very
prosperous home based business that could change your
life in 2009!!!!

=====START TODAY=====

Go to the link below. View the Video on the right hand
side of the page, then simply click the Join Now
button to activate your BigTicket Depot business.


BigTicket Depot
300 Elite Founder Team

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Big Day is nearly here

Big ticket depot is attracting a lot of interest. There are news articles in papers and on radio raving about this system and predicting great things for this new way of buying and selling. It could soon be as well known as Ebay.

There are thousands of people with items to sell waiting for the 15th Jan, which is only a week away. People have houses, planes, boats, coaches and many other Big Ticket Items to sell. These sellers are all over the world and we on the elite 300 team are just itching to sell for them.

If someone has a three million dollar yacht to sell and will pay 20% commission to the seller, work it out for yourself, that´s a nice tidy amount of commission, I want some of that.

Those of us on the elite 300 team have an advantage over other members,
we have a team in the back office working for us. Finding sellers for us,
finding the best places to advertise items to sell and basically doing our job for us.
I almost don´t have to do any work to earn money, lucky me.
That is only because I was with this company right from it´s beginings, way back when.

Another bonus is something that will interest you, the reader.
Until the end of January,anybody that wants to make money from home
and starts their own home business directly from signing up from
my own personal website will enjoy the extra bonuses
that I am getting from being on the elite 300 team.

Please read my previous posts below for more details and instructions
on what to do when you visit my website.
Make this the year you make money online.


Thursday, January 8, 2009


A RECESSION PROOF online business you can start for less than
what it costs to take a family to dinner and a movie.

A 100% ONLINE business that just about anyone can do and
can do it whenever they want or from wherever they want.

A business where you CAN make money fast and constant.

**Yes This Is Marketing**

yes this is meant to arouse your curiosity but
who is NOT curious about ways to make money in these times?
This is not a time to NOT, at least, look at diversifying income
especially with all the cut backs etc. I am sure I am
"Preaching To The Choir."

**Instructions For Taking A CLOSER Look (NO committments-Just a look)

This will take you a total of 3 minutes and if you SEE something
in this it MIGHT take an additional 26 minutes of listening
to a radio interview my friend did about this a few weeks ago.
That will all be done online though and at your leisure.

=Follow These Instructions=

1. Go to my personal URL (website)


2. When you get there please click on the video on the RIGHT
hand side (the one on the left is for our clients-possibly yours)

3. After watching the video you can click on "RADIO INTERVIEW"
below the video and listen to the radio interview that
my friend (this programs founder) did a few weeks ago. I could
not sleep after hearing it because it makes so much sense. Bottom line.

As one of the elite 300 members I have priveleges that other members
don´t have. One of which is to have new members placed in my team
without having to find them myself, great!
Today I have been informed that anybody that does come into the
business that I personaly have put forward will be extended the
same priveleges as me, there are many priveleges in my position.
However this extra bonus is only for people who join me before
the end of January.

So if you are thinking of starting the New Year with a new online
business then please do it now, don´t mull it over until it´s too
late to get all the extra benefits that I enjoy.

It will cost nothing to take a look.